33312-banner-20055-banner-Colonel-RankObviously, it can be called a “seagull” if you’re feeling snarky.

Not to be confused with Lieutenant-Colonel, which is an oak leaf. Lieutenant-Colonel is shortened to “LTC”. Sometimes, a Lieutenant-Colonel is addressed as “Colonel” for brevity’s sake. A Lieutenant-Colonel’s insignia looks like this:

U-253AS_WSo when someone from the Army talks about a “full-bird Colonel” you know he or she is talking about the ones with the eagle insignia, which is a rank higher than the Lieutenant-Colonel. And of course “Colonel” is always pronounced like “kernel”, which is weird because there’s no “R” in it. I’m not sure where we picked the word up from, but it’s now just another one of those interesting things that makes English so weird.



  • 1LT William MacGregor
  • CPT Steve Wronick
  • Brigade Colonel


  • 213th BN T.O.C., Camp Victory, Iraq

13 JUN:
The rank insignia of a Colonel (abbreviated to “COL”) is an eagle, and it looks like this:

33312-banner-20055-banner-Colonel-RankObviously, it can be called a “seagull” if you’re feeling snarky.

Not to be confused with Lieutenant-Colonel, which is an oak leaf. Lieutenant-Colonel is shortened to “LTC”. Sometimes, a Lieutenant-Colonel is addressed as “Colonel” for brevity’s sake. A Lieutenant-Colonel’s insignia looks like this:

U-253AS_WSo when someone from the Army talks about a “full-bird Colonel” you know he or she is talking about the ones with the eagle insignia, which is a rank higher than the Lieutenant-Colonel. And of course “Colonel” is always pronounced like “kernel”, which is weird because there’s no “R” in it. I’m not sure where we picked the word up from, but it’s now just another one of those interesting things that makes English so weird.


  • 1LT William MacGregor
  • CPT Steve Wronick
  • Brigade Colonel


  • 213th BN T.O.C., Camp Victory, Iraq

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