26 JAN:
And so that’s it– they’ve beaten each other to a standstill. That will be the end of the boxing/martial-arts arc, and I’m glad I was able to incorporate this overhead point of view to do it. I’ve been wanting to do an overhead shot for some time– I’ve never done one before. Plus I’m learning to incorporate highlights as well as shading. This comic is a lot of fun to work on and I’m learning a lot– I may go back and touch up some of the earliest ones. Even if I don’t re-touch the art, I will probably go over the hand-lettering with the font I use now.
Next comic will be the beginning of a new chapter, in which we’ll leave the 213th for a bit and take a look at what their neighbors, the 220th Military Police Brigade, are up to. Remember Wendy Two-Feathers and her Military Working Dog, Butter? We’ll see them and find out how they’ve been spending time since the Fallujah episode.
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