And now, Specialist Albright, you have even given up on that: “Every day the same thing! Variety! I want… Hasenpfeffer!” If you know the reference, give yourself a cookie!
I’ve mentioned before that the food was actually pretty decent quality, considering the demands of large-scale, rapid-serve cafeteria food preparation. The problem was variety. Funny thing is, sometimes the staff would go all-out and serve up steak and lobster, or king crab, and other treats (again, as best they could under the conditions). It was an occasional break that would sort of “re-set” the variety treadmill we normally got. The thing is, they serve “treat” food like that when a big mission of some sort is about to go out… so it’s all tasty fun and games until you realize that one of the units in the chow hall that day was going out tomorrow to do something really intense.
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