
  • SGT Joe Rock
  • SPC Cecelia Glass
  • PFC Juni Okuda


  • Camp Victory, Iraq

See, it’s all in how you look at it. But yeah, it sucks in Iraq, too.

While we were in Iraq, we talked a lot about home problems, too. People had hardships back there, and sometimes it was difficult to tell who was having it worse. There was also the psychological problem of being stuck in Iraq, unable to help, when things are hard for people back home. I think that actually gnawed at people worse in many ways– a sense of helplessness as loved ones had to deal without your help.

And to all the people who really like Pittsburgh, I’d like to say I’m sorry to both of them.


  • SGT Joe Rock
  • SPC Cecelia Glass
  • PFC Juni Okuda


  • Camp Victory, Iraq

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