I don’t know what it is about Annual Training (A.T.) or Weekend Drill, but it seems to always come at the most inopportune times. I can almost guarantee that the one weekend a month when there’s a great party will be Drill weekend; while all the other weekends will be left with nothing better than soil erosion documentaries on Netflix. And of course Annual Training will happily coincide with that great river-rafting trip you and your buddies were talking about all winter and had bought tons of supplies for. No matter what fun you had planned… it will all be washed away with one sudden reminder in the mail that your time was already scheduled months ago.
But wait, don’t these things get planned and scheduled ahead of time? Yes, they do, but it’s not that Drill or AT sneak up on you out of the blue; it’s that all the fun things you looked forward to over the coming months will all happen to fall on those weekends you forgot belonged to Uncle Sam.
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