Man, there are some people out there who, it seems, can just “inhale knowledge” with apparent ease. Of course, it is usually specific types of knowledge that these people seem to have an affinity for, or perhaps it is just some weirdly efficient way of categorizing things in their minds. Either way, these are the guys and gals that go on to master the knowledge portions of their fields.
I think that, for the most part, everyone is a natural master of something, and if it isn’t apparent what a person’s natural affinity for mastery is, it may be something they have not yet discovered. Some people may go their entire lives never finding their strength, and that’s a pity. Of course I have not conducted any research on this phenomenon I espouse, so my opinion and $5.00 can get you a decadent mocha at Starbucks.
Anyway, Sergeant Sparks is one of those guys that just seems to pick up Army knowledge, so he’s lucky enough to have found his ideal niche. He may or may not thrive outside the structure of the military; just as some people could not function in the military structure, which they would probably find stifling.
A word on the art: I am experimenting more and more with purely digital art. The last few comics (since the Warrior Leader’s Course started) have had less pencil work done; some have been 100% digital from start to finish. My feelings on it are mixed– the coloration process is much, much easier and that takes up a lot of time so for the most part I am satisfied… but while the actual line art portion has improved since my first fumbling attempts, I am still not satisfied. I will continue to experiment with different “brushes” in PhotShop as well as line weight and so on, but bear with me as I continue my most recent experimental phase.
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