
  • SGT Joe Rock
  • SPC Philip Albright


  • 213th BN, Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho
  • Boise traffic

Doesn’t that always seem to be the case? It feels like we get stuck at stoplights all the time, but at least we have our smart phones to keep us entertained as we idle. We just have to make sure we pay attention to the lights so that when they turn green, we’re not That Guy sitting there, physically in the road but mentally on the 14th level of Candy Crush.

Then, when we finally do get all green lights and can speed to our destination, it’s the one time we have a very important text message or update or something that we really, really should check but can’t because we need to keep up the ol’ driving pace… or you live in a state where phone use and driving are outlawed. And of course we find ourselves in the uncomfortable position of being annoyed by… an endless string of green lights, which would usually be taken as a sign of favor by the various gods that control our destinies.


  • SGT Joe Rock
  • SPC Philip Albright


  • 213th BN, Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho
  • Boise traffic

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