
  • Philip Albright
  • Carlos Alvarez


  • BSU Dormitories

This, basically, is how I learned to love anchovies.

For me, it was being in the barracks, and of course as soon as you order a pizza, everyone is suddenly your best friend. But one of the other soldiers I served with told me about the anchovy maneuver, and I found that once I got used to them, I actually liked them. I’ve always liked well-salted food, and anchovies are nothing but.

So Carlos Alvarez called for a pizza and Philip Albright brought it– one of those weird ways that relationships among soldiers can change or play out in the reserve forces. Young Alvarez is just starting out as a freshman at Boise State University, and he’s in the dorms; Philip –like Joe, Juni, and may of the others from the 213th Battalion’s original group– has his last year at BSU to finish for his degree. They were all forced to take a two-year detour for their Iraq deployment… another way that society gets turned around for people in the Reserves and National Guard.


  • Philip Albright
  • Carlos Alvarez


  • BSU Dormitories

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