What’s the WORST that could happen? Glad you asked, Private Alvarez!
Really, this could be any class, not just SHARP… one thing about military PowerPoint classes, they all tend to be pretty much the same over and over again. Some of that, of course, is on purpose, since repetition will eventually seep through even the thickest skull eventually, and then when you screw up you can’t pretend you didn’t know.
But I’m sure I’m not the only one that notices that a lot of people somehow manage to miss these all-important classes a lot, and frequently they are the same people. It is amazing how many sudden meetings and teleconferences and such just happen to get scheduled during class times, which are planned out months in advance and require the Commander’s signature (so he can’t pretend he didn’t know!).
I can only suppose that there is a special hell where every class you missed must be taken again, and only then can you sign off on any “favorable personnel action” like being re-assigned to the more comfortable regions above.
Still, maybe the people giving PowerPoint lessons should consider the notion that people find the distraction of meetings, teleconferences, and risking the possibility of Hell to be worthwhile alternatives.
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