
  • Sadie


  • Despair
  • Happiness

For this I tried to think of someone poor, and in most unfortunate circumstances. Medieval peasantry came to mind immediately, because in my mind it is about as bottom of the barrel as you can get. Even modern homeless have better options, at least the way I imagine it (admittedly there is a lot of room for argument there). On the other hand, living like Royalty is, well… Royalty.

Art wise, I thought I’d be clever and draw all the different components separately— background, individual figures, Sadie, and so on– and add them in Photoshop, toying with the “Transform/Scale” option in the layers. In order to fit in all the elements I wanted, though, I kinda screwed up some of the perspectives. I’m going to keep experimenting with this until I can get it right (or at least “better”). The only elements of this comic that exist on paper are the two different images of Sadie, everything else is 100% digital, and that I think is where I get messed up. For me it remains difficult to gauge size and dimensions when my hands are working in one area but my eyes are looking somewhere else.

Anyhow, Sadie’s circumstances have changed, and we may see her in the comic a bit more regularly now.


  • Sadie


  • Despair
  • Happiness

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