Man, oh man, how your standards of conduct change after Basic Training. I rarely swore when I went in; I came out cussing sufficient to make an inner-city callgirl blush. The “snot rocket” pictured in the comic becomes a relatively common occurrence, as well as eating lightning-fast, sleeping lightly (while simultaneously being able to fall asleep almost anywhere, under any circumstances) and for awhile I insisted on making my bed with tight “hospital corners”.
I think I just slept on top of my covers for awhile, too, in case I needed to spring awake and be ready. It took me awhile to be able to enjoy rolling around in my sheets and leaving the bed mussed and unmade. Now, in fact, I believe I have actually gone a bit in the other direction.
The military gives you a lot of weird quirks and habits; if you’re lucky, they’re minor. Some of them can even be integrated into normal life and made somewhat helpful– for example, I can wake up super early in the morning and be ready to go, even though I really resent it.
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