Ever felt like you had a good reason to be angry about something, and got all worked up, only to find that the actual situation wasn’t so bad, or even had you working with someone you knew and liked? There’s that moment of awkwardness and you want to let go, but you had such great momentum built up…! I suppose it is humbling, and reminds us not to make judgements until we know all the facts.
So now we get to see Mirav Mizrachi again, she is out of Active Duty and in the Reserves, and looking for a command to take over. She’s been promoted to Captain now so she has to have a “Company Command” position and she found one with her old comrades, the 213th Battalion. It is not unusual to meet the same people you have served with or gone to schools with from time to time, and sometimes you get lucky. Not usually this lucky, of course, but that’s one of the advantages of fiction.
The higher you get in rank, the more you are expected to be willing to travel for your commands. As a senior NCO, I am expected to be willing to travel at least 100 miles for any position that comes up (I’m right next to a huge National Guard base so it hasn’t been an issue) but I know people that live in neighboring states and commute in once a month for weekend drills, and I have meet higher-ranking NCOs and Officers that have come from the East Coast and New England to attend drill weekends. Mirav Mizrachi still lives in Texas –she just got out of Active Duty at Fort Hood, with the 1st Cavalry– so she’s got something of a commute for the time being.
Good to start getting the old gang back together!
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