A bit of an old joke I admit, but still carries water.
Technically, a General is not supposed to get “special treatment” (putting them above the troops) but at the same time they get… well, okay, they get a certain level of special treatment. Rank has privileges and all that, but also let’s face it, a General has a lot of responsibility and is probably signed for a lot of things I certainly would not want to be signed for.
And at the same time, nearly everyone (General or otherwise) has particular ways they like their food, especially steaks. I like a very rare steak and sometimes I mortify my wife when we go out to eat and I order a steak so rare that I tell them to “just saw off its horns and wipe its ass”.
Private Donner –remember her?– seems to be having trouble convincing the cow to just get on the plate, but I’m sure she can be persuasive given some time.
Damn, now I’m hungry.
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