
  • Sadie


  • The Doggy Psyche

I’ve been blessed with many dogs in my life but one thing seems to be universal: whenever they get sick, they bypass acres of easily-cleaned hard flooring to seek out any carpet or rug whenever they have to barf. What could motivate this? Is there something about carpet, no matter how threadbare, that calls to them when it is time to deposit any freshly de-stomached item? Perhaps carpets or rugs feel somewhat like natural grass in a way that linoleum, tile or hardwood doesn’t? But why would this make a difference?
Anyhow, I had a dog that was sick a few weeks ago and so this came to mind and I have been waiting for an opportunity to use it. I figured there was no time like the present, since I already did a Sadie episode with the Doggy Elections and this is something of a chapter break as the Battalion leaves the States and heads to Iraq again. When we catch up to them next, they will be in Kuwait meeting new people.
In the meantime, you can also catch up to the Battalion right now by joining us on Patreon! Support me there and you can help in the printing of another book that collects BOHICA Blues as a trade paperback! The first book is already at the printers and contains not only the first comics from BOHICA Blues’s launch but some new commentary and some character profiles not seen before outside of Patreon. I’ve learned a lot from the creation of the first book and the second book will contain even more new material, so support me at Patreon and get an insider’s look at what you’ve been missing out on! Just copy-paste the text below into your browser and join the Battalion today!


  • Sadie


  • The Doggy Psyche

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