When a unit deploys, there are networks of support that form among the family members back home. There is a formal organization sponsored by the unit, typically referred to as “FSG” or Family Support Group. It may have another name (“FRG” or Family Readiness Group is one I’ve encountered) or adopted a sort of nickname among the members, but an effort is made to reach out and invite all soldiers’ family members into the FSG for mutual support and aid while the servicemembers themselves are away.
Of course, not every spouse is interested in the official, formal FSG and they may have their own informal networks that they rely on. I hadn’t really thought about the FSG of the 213th Battalion in the comic since I’d already decided that an informal network existed already among the families of Joe & Juni, Philip Albright and Brad Patterson. They’ve been helping each other out this whole time so it seemed logical that Willow and Chloe would be there to support Juni and their new baby as Joe gets ready to leave.
These back home bonds can be really important, especially for new family members experiencing difficulty adjusting to the sudden life changes that come with a deployment and the arrival of a baby. Formal or informal, it is good to have friends that can watch your back. Hopefully Joe will be able to rely on Brad Patterson’s experience getting a crash-course in diaper management when they get back.
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