In the roulette of Middle East allies and enemies, you have to clarify which fundamentalist regime you’re talking about at any given moment. We dislike the Iranian government because they are a totalitarian fundamentalist regime, but Saudi Arabia is also a totalitarian fundamentalist regime, but because they have Range Rovers and Armani suits we can make deals with them.
But really we shouldn’t just bag on the Middle East– the sad truth is, one-party regimes, fundamentalist religious states, dictators and “Presidents-for-Life” abound in most corners of the world. It is important to remember that, when the United Nations votes on something, we get a conclusion that a majority of inflexible, intolerant regimes have decided is acceptable.
And the flip side? What about the votes cast by a lot of Western powers? Aren’t they supposed to represent voices of inclusion, democracy, and civil rights? Perhaps, but it can also be argued that their votes reflect what a majority of corporations have decided is profitable. The sword cuts both ways.
Just a short post today. Take care and watch out for each other.
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