It really seems like this sometimes. Tyrannical Sergeants-Major with their power and control over troops would have us at their mercy: drape on another PT belt or endure harsh reprisal.
To be fair, I think what really happened Back In The Day was a bunch of vehicle collisions with soldiers doing morning PT (Physical Training). Just about every post newspaper and publications like the Army Times talked about how many times people were injured or killed by a car while doing a roadside PT run.
Units had PT at different times so there’d be troops on individual runs or small group/team runs, while other soldiers or civilian contractors were coming on post. Foot and vehicle traffic was completely mixed up, trying to share the road. It led to a lot of frustration for everyone, and that’s when foolish mistakes would be made.
One thing I’ve noticed lately is the increasingly common practice for bases to block off entire sections of roadways at “peak PT time”– cars aren’t allowed at all, and the whole area becomes 100% devoted to foot traffic. This may not only have cut down on PT accidents and deaths, but on the need for PT belts to be wrapped around troops from head to foot.
And, for the record, despite over 10 years of BOHICA Blues comics, this is only the 3rd time I have used a “Silence of the Lambs” reference. I really think I should be congratulated on my self control.
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