–Anyhow, I guess Chaplain Crossman decided enough was enough (and who wants a creepy goat-head dude hanging around the latrines anyway? Ew.) and decided to take matters into his own hands. So even though Crossman was raised on a hippie commune, he takes his devotion seriously and is no pushover.
Anyhow, in the Army, if you make a minor mistake, you can be punished with push-ups. Mostly this sort of thing happens in Basic Training and you don’t see it much in regular duty, but every so often someone low ranking will be seen pushing (higher rank people don’t get let off so easily; they’re expected to know better). If you have a weapon with you, you are expected to do push-ups with the weapon placed across the backs of your hand sin such a manner that it does not touch the ground and become dirty, potentially risking a misfire. Failing to keep your weapon clean, even while doing push-ups, will earn you more push-ups.
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