I swear this is probably how it happens. And yes, the visual of rats in a maze has been recurring lately, and that is because it is such an appropriate image for so much of what happens in the military. A lot of things happen and you sometimes can’t help but wonder about the decision making process that went into the things we end up doing.
In fact, just earlier today I was in a change of command ceremony. It went well, and was blissfully fast– no long-winded speeches, amazingly– but some of the rituals and rotes, like passing a flag back and forth among four different people to signify passing responsibility for a unit to a new person… I am watching and I can’t help but wonder, who, ages ago, turned to some commander and said, “Hey, I have a great idea for this cool flag ceremony thing we could do…”
But not only did someone come up with that, but someone next to him said, “Why, that’s a great idea!”
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