Ahhh, Lieutenant MacGregor. He’s actually not bad out in the field, but back in garrison he just can’t help but succumb to the urge to try to impress higher-ups. In the Army, we meet “field” soldiers and “garrison” soldiers– a field soldier is someone who is great out in the field. He or she can walk for miles, eat crummy food, and really seems to get into training or keep a level head in combat. They don’t do well in garrison, though. Messy rooms, rumpled uniforms, and uninterested in parade-ground stuff.
Then there are the garrison soldiers– the ones who always have the good uniform and boots, always do well on tests and inspections, can probably quote some regulations by memory, but they always pack too many luxury items for the field, complain about the discomfort of field life, and just can’t really get in the swing of all the playing in the mud and dust.
Both perform certain jobs admirably, but just can’t be interchangeable.
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