
  • The Sergeant-Major Cabal
  • SFC Douglas Dawg


  • Secret Lair of Sergeant-Majors
  • Dawg Residence, Boise, Idaho

“A.K.O.” is “Army Knowledge Online” and it is a website the Army made for soldiers to go to as a one-stop shop for training and information. While the idea is basically sound, it has become an area from which “mandatory online training” is now pushed out into the ranks. The powers-that-be seem to be of the opinion that there is no problem in today’s world that cannot be solved by more tedious, repetitive online training. We’re seeing this a lot in civilian workplaces, too.

I always suspect that a secret cabal of Sergeant-Majors somewhere keeps coming up with new ideas for online training to keep people busy. I can only assume that the type of person who is motivated to become a Sergeant-Major is a person who is easily bored and lives in constant worry over that boredom. They guess that everyone else in the Army also lives in debilitating fear of this boredom as well, and so we get the never-ending stream of online courses.



  • The Sergeant-Major Cabal
  • SFC Douglas Dawg


  • Secret Lair of Sergeant-Majors
  • Dawg Residence, Boise, Idaho

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