Día de Muertos“/Day of the Dead observances.
Also, in my opinion more effort is put into zombie make-up, including prosthetic type additions, these days. I’d credit “The Walking Dead” for that, but since I’m a fan of the show maybe I’m just noticing it more.
Okay, so why the soliloquy on women’s Halloween costumes in a comic about veterans’ experiences? Even a comic that goes on strange tangents like BOHICA Blues? Well, Cecelia Glass’s choice of costume will have a minor impact on events to come, so stay tuned. Remember, they still have Annual Training in Europe coming up soon. See you Thursday!
Oh, and what costume did Cecelia choose? Everyone will find out eventually, but only Patreon supporters can actually see it! You can check it out here if you dare: https://www.patreon.com/Coyote
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