So Juni goes home,and her parents pick her up. They were going to watch over the dog, Sadie, but they will give her back. But ol’ Sadie has been changed somewhat by her experience with the Okuda household… is her Dad trying to re-create the good old days of Juni’s childhood, dressing her up and babying her?
Juni’s dad is Japanese; her mom is Korean. The parents were brought to Hawaii by their parents –Juni’s grandparents– when they were kids. Juni grew up in Hawaii but move to Idaho when her dad got a job at Micron. Her Dad was the workaholic type; her Mom was the one that did the hands-on raising. Maybe he feels like he missed out on something..?
So now he dresses the dog up in a doggy kimono, embarrassing Juni a bit, who is unaware of the subconscious motivations behind it.
Her parents, though, are just glad to have their daughter back… and Sadie can be saved from further embarrassment.
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