

  • Dean of Admissions
  • Cecelia Glass


  • Andre Maria University, Midwestern America

The policy of “In Loco Parentis” — basically, the “Local Parental Authority”– is universal at just about any large organization, and especially in colleges and universities. On the surface it sounds patronizing, or “infantilizing”. The idea that the organization can set curfews or assign other arbitrary rules of behavior like a parent seems intrusive. But it also means that the organization can look out for you if you are in need.

In the case of a university or college, it means that –for example– if you are discovered unconscious or wounded, they have the authority to check you into a hospital and ensure you get treatment until your actual family can be contacted and take over. They are authorized to see to it you are fed, clothed, and housed and such. They could even see to it you have legal counsel if needed, or even bail you out of jail if they think you are worth it.

Of course, some organizations can take it too far. The policies outlined here reflect actual policies I’ve heard of from other universities which shall go unnamed because they can hire better lawyers than me.

The Army has a way of infantilizing people, which is kind of weird because in the military we are given multi-million dollar objects which can devastate acres of property or even multitudes of people. Yet, we are given some odd restrictions about daily conduct, like random room inspections for the tiniest of things (“Is that trash can FULL, sojer!?”) and other things such as curfews, report or call-in times, and so on. And certainly opposite-sex visitors in barracks is an obvious no-no. So no wonder Cecelia Glass has no desire to return to such familiar –and frustrating– restrictions.

And also, by the way, now is a GREAT time to join the Battalion at Patreon! The “Ace of Spades” sci-fi action-adventure story is going to be coming to a close in a few chapters, so now is a good time to get all caught up. All the original “BOHICA Blues Downrange!” comics are posted and some of my even earlier comics from the late 80’s are being posted. There are over 1300 images available for viewing depending on which tier you join at…
…and with the current real-world crisis going on, what better way to spend your time than reading DAYS worth of comics!
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  • Dean of Admissions
  • Cecelia Glass


  • Andre Maria University, Midwestern America

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