Those who know, know: a “rock or something” is a time-honored tradition in the history of MRE (Meals, Ready to Eat) food service. It is a component in MRE preparation that is literally part of the instructions for using the heater pack in the MRE.
The MRE heater packs are a thin sheet of magnesium-based material in a plastic sleeve. You’re supposed to tear open one end of the sleeve, put the food packet in there, and then pour water in it to activate the magnesium. It is a single-use, disposable heater that is actually pretty good at heating up a packet of food.
With water in the sleeve, though, you need to keep the thing at a incline so that the liquid stays contained. On the instructions for proper use of the heater and sleeve, it literally says “rock or something”… which ended up being part of an official story about a rare all-black wolf spotted by a researcher using a game camera in Minnesota to monitor local wildlife.
To which I immediately wondered, “Why would a wolf need a ‘rock or something’? Is he cooking an MRE?” And I figured, well, yes, maybe he is.
The featured article is only a series of screenshots, so don’t bother trying to click on the video (although you may have already figured that out) with only the very bottom panel being my actual comic. Obviously not really connected so much to BOHICA Blues but still a part of Army humor that most veterans, or anyone who has feasted on an MRE, will recognize the connection to.
Mmmmm. now I’m hungry. Later!
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