Well, THAT was unexpected!
You never know who is going to be part of any community, really. A lot of times our professional lives and our personal lives are miles apart. You never know who could be a hard-core gamer or LARPer (“Live Action Role Player”), someone might be into classic cars or vintage wines, people who collect Barbies, or even –gasp! A furry!
It could even go deeper. Statistically speaking, it is pretty much guaranteed that everyone will know at least one person who is gay (or have some other outlook on things like gender), or they may be a member of an ethnic or religious group that isn’t obvious, and so on. A lot of us work and interact with people every day that we really don’t know much beyond the surface– their “work face”. perhaps.
So Juni is a bit judgmental about how unusual Furries are, only to find out that her trusted sidekick in the unit likes to identify as a fox when she has the chance (I mean, come on, with that red hair, what else, right?). Now Juni may have to rethink how she feels about Furries now that she not only knows one, but that person is pretty competent and reliable, even a bit strait-laced in a work environment.
It is especially ironic since it wasn’t so long ago that being openly into comics was, by itself, a bit alienating.
So bear in mind when talking smack about another community. You may not know who is listening.
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