
  • 1LT William MacGregor
  • SSG Paul Purdue
  • SPC Joe Rock
  • 1st Platoon


  • Taji Air Force Base/Camp Cooke

2 JUL:
I.E.D. = Improvised Explosive Device– a roadside bomb.

The insurgents were doing exactly that, breaking into the abandoned air force base and getting roadside bomb materials. And of course we went in to cart off the old Iraqi Air Force bombs and blow them up safely in the desert.

The problem was, they drilled into us the notion that you must never set patterns. Makes sense– but then they would schedule our route for us, every day, the same routes, the same times. Maybe a half-hour variation on some days, just to, you know, shake things up a bit.


  • 1LT William MacGregor
  • SSG Paul Purdue
  • SPC Joe Rock
  • 1st Platoon


  • Taji Air Force Base/Camp Cooke

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