
  • 1SG Douglas Dawg
  • SGT Joe Rock


  • 213th Battalion HQ Building

One thing that never fails to disappoint is when you meet one of those leaders that seems to forget that only one-half of their job is to browbeat subordinates. The OTHER half of the job is supposed to be to protect those subordinates from abuse from higher-ups. It is easy to use your authority against people that have no real recourse to stand up to you, but it takes real courage and conviction to stand up on their behalf when the time comes. I’ve been disappointed by many and pleasantly surprised by many as well… and I’ve tried to be the one that steps up to the plate on behalf of my subordinates when possible. But then, it can be hard to tell if you’re stepping up to the plate for the right reasons– you have to know your people and feel solid giving them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe that’s the problem: people don’t really get to know their people, and so never feel secure supporting them. Without being there, I can’t know.

I guess, just… don’t be “that leader”, at least. The one that relies on these “ABC’s of leadership”.


  • 1SG Douglas Dawg
  • SGT Joe Rock


  • 213th Battalion HQ Building

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