Nothing can be more dangerous than an out-of-context phrase! Admittedly, I don’t hear someone’s hind end referred to as “buns” very often any more, but the term still floats around and most people know what it refers to– especially Captain Mizrachi, who happens to hear it at just the wrong moment and not realize that Alvarez is referring to someone hair bun.
Private O’Neil is a little too “STRAC”– an Army slang term that can mean a soldier that is well-organized, has all their stuff together, competent and dependable and always exhibiting good character and performance. It is supposed to be an acronym for “Skilled, Tough, Ready, Around the Clock” (sometimes “Sharp Trooper Ready Around the Clock”) and is again one of those slang terms that isn’t used as much these days but folks can usually still pick up on it from time to time.
As a Private E-2 (Enlisted level 2) it is usually considered a waste of time to have your rank sewn on, because promotion to Private First Class (E-3) is pretty much guaranteed unless you have engaged in incompetence bordering on the criminal. Sewing on such a transitory rank is frequently seen as having no ambition… or in O’Neil’s case, being a bit too anal-retentive.
The same with ironing duty uniforms: it used to be done a lot back in the old days of the Woodland camo BDU, but nowadays it is actively discouraged, although I have seen it from time to time.
And, as Alvarez tried to convey, she has really tight buns.
Perhaps rather than STRAC, nowadays Private O’Neil would be considered a “tryhard”– someone who poses on social media a little too much, to the point where it is obvious that they are trying too hard to portray a lifestyle or skill level that is obviously beyond them. Will that be the case with O’Neil? Stay tuned to find out.
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